If you are considering getting solar, there are many companies that want to sell it to you. Before allowing their salesperson to talk you into something that might not work as you expected and might cost you more than it saves, give me a call. I can answer your questions without bias and educate you on commercial alternative energy options. I can also tell you if you are able and how to do it for yourself, because I've worked in both the residential solar installation and commercial solar construction for years and prior to that was an alternative energy educator. Solar, wind, or hydro. I can let you know your options and moderate your expectations.
Whether you are looking for grid-tied or off-grid solutions to your energy need, I can help sort out the options. Base fee of $100 covers travel up to 100 miles and up to 4 hours of consultation where I will review your needs, present your options, and answer any questions you may have. A great way to use my service is to have me there when salespeople from the solar installation company are making their pitch to even out the playing field, make sure you get the best deal and that there is no funny business.
If you are considering getting solar, there are many companies that want to sell it to you. Before allowing their salesperson to talk you into something that might not work as you expected and might cost you more than it saves, give me a call. I can answer your questions without bias and educate you on commercial alternative energy options. I can also tell you if you are able and how to do it for yourself, because I've worked in both the residential solar installation and commercial solar construction for years and prior to that was an alternative energy educator. Solar, wind, or hydro. I can let you know your options and moderate your expectations.
Whether you are looking for grid-tied or off-grid solutions to your energy need, I can help sort out the options. Base fee of $100 covers travel up to 100 miles and up to 4 hours of consultation where I will review your needs, present your options, and answer any questions you may have. A great way to use my service is to have me there when salespeople from the solar installation company are making their pitch to even out the playing field, make sure you get the best deal and that there is no funny business.